2014 Meetings, etc.

Meetings etc. Total Act
Total Assoc
Total Univ
Environmental Committee 7 6 7 6.62
Industrial Emissions Control Technology Conference 5 7 6 5.89
Annual Meeting 5 5 4 4.83
Energy Committee 5 4 6 4.57
Focus Group Meetings 5 4 5 4.28
Forums, Roundtables & Workshops 5 4 4 4.15
Technical Committee 5 4 4 4.02
Fluid Bed Conference 2 4 7 3.55
What would you like to see offered in the future?
  1. The Natural Gas workshop after the IEC was excellent.
  2. I would like some seminars or focus groups re detailed compliance planning for B MACT or GACT requirements. Eg. how to optimize fuel sampling approaches for Hg compliance, or other forums that help members meet detailed compliance requiements.
  3. Have you ever considered expanding to include gas turbines and not just boilers, seems like many of us have or soon will be moving in that direction. Much of the same issues be them environmental, energy or governmental. Just another means of combustin
  4. An energy assessment/optiminization/efficiency conference may be useful.
  5. none
  6. I had hoped to attend the control technology meetings this year but was unable to due to other responsibilities. Please continue to offer this meeting
  7. The current activities and forums are doing a good job of keeping us informed of the issues
  8. Continue with environmental emerging issues and practical application and compliance approaches.
  9. more diversity in actual end users presenting at conferences
What meetings/conferences need improvement?   How?
  1. I have been very pleased with the meetings/conferences I have attended.
  2. It would be nice to offer the Emissions conference at other locations than Portland Maine, travel there is expensive.
  3. none
  4. No recomendations as the meetings and conferences that we have attended have been well formatted and presented
  5. Would it make sense to pod-cast or somehow record the quarterly meetings (at least the presentations)? It’s tough to make it to all of the meetings, and sometimes the discussion with the slides is needed.
  6. none